

地點:油麻地新填地街Cafe le Jolly(近百老匯電影中心)

5 Responses to “無邊吹水會八月聚(活動)”

  1. Earl Says:

    This post has been removed by the author.

  2. Earl Says:

    27日牛一, 26日未必在香港. 遲些firm了再報名是也

  3. Eric 'Spanner' Says:


  4. Eric 'Spanner' Says:

    Anonymous: Thanks you for correction and I will correct it soon. Perhaps you would like to know I sometimes posted English articles here, though not recently. You are welcome to give me some advice for them.

  5. Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary Says:

    Obseesed by “Victory, or dead”.

    “Obsessed” or “Obseesed”

    “Victory” is noun. “Dead” is an adjective. For the sake of consistency, the sentensed should be revised:

    (a) Victory or death
    (b) Victorious or dead

    I think (a) would be closer to your meaning in Chinese.

    “Dead” can be used as a noun but it means: the people who have died. The dead=死人=/=死亡

    You blog is in Chinese. What’s the point to write an English introduction?

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